

 解題:ここで紹介するのは鈴木達治郎氏(長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター長,日本パグウォッシュ会議代表)から御教示いただいた情報,すなわち,韓国のソウルで2018年4月14日〜17日に開催された国際核分裂性物質パネル(International Panel on Fissile Materials: IPFM)(注1)のワークショップにて,イランの元政府高官ムサビアン大使が,北朝鮮との交渉に際して,イラン核合意(Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action: JCPOA)からの教訓について発表したことについての記事(http://www.irna.ir/en/News/82890039)が時宜にかない,かつ周知される意義があると考えて,その翻訳を行い,関連する注釈を加えたものである.

2018年4月21日 福岡核問題研究会有志(O, M, T, N).






1. 戦争と制裁に関する外交に対する信念.圧力を増加させることが相手側の降伏をもたらすという認識は,イランにとってもこれからの北朝鮮にとっても当てはまらない.

2. 交渉は真剣に行うべきであり,相互妥協に基づく結果に到達することを目指すべきである.2013年のイランの核交渉の開始時点で,両者は,彼らが望む交渉の最終状態を明確にした:イランにとっては,核制裁の撤廃,ウラン濃縮と核燃料サイクルへの権利の尊重であり,米国とその他の世界大国にとっては,イランが核兵器を作らないということであった.

3. 最大限の要求を断念し,面子を立てる解決策を模索すること.どんな取り決めも両者にとって政治的に擁護できるものでなければならない.両者は勝利としてそれを国内で国民を納得させることができなければならない.

4. 包括的な外交的解決策は,あらゆる側面から段階的に,相互にやりとりされて実施される.今日,JCPOAが揺らぐ理由の1つは,トランプ・ホワイトハウスがこの原則を守らなかったためである.イランは,低濃縮ウランの備蓄量を削減し,遠心分離機の数を削減し,IAEA(注3)保障措置協定の追加議定書を実施するという,JCPOAの実施の第一段階で大部分の譲歩を実施した.その後,イランは相手方が経済協力のコミットメントを遵守するのを待たなければならなかったが,これはトランプ政権下において日ごとに衰えている.最初の年に脅かされていない北朝鮮との間でJCPOAのような長期的な合意に達するためには,合意の下での相互作用は慎重に調整され,段階的に実施されなければならない.

5. 特に,政治的リーダーシップや政策の変化により,米国は核合意における義務を守ることができないことをJCPOAでは経験しているので,北朝鮮にとっては,どんな取り決めも米国への完全不信を基本に設計されるに違いない.

6. 交渉は多国間でなければならない.JCPOAにつながる交渉には,国連安全保障理事会の5つの常任理事国とドイツが参加した.二国間の北朝鮮-米国交渉は不可欠であるが,韓国,日本およびその他の関係国も出席しなければならない.米国と北朝鮮の間だけのどんな合意もそれほど持続的ではないだろう.

7. 国連安全保障理事会は,最終的な合意を支持しなければならない.国連安全保障理事会の支援を受けた取り決めは,北朝鮮をはじめとするすべての当事者が他国がその約束を履行するとの確信を強める.

国際核分裂性物質パネル(International Panel on Fissile Materials: IPFM).
フランク・フォンヒッペル(編集),国際核分裂性物質パネル(編集),田窪雅文(翻訳)「徹底検証・使用済み核燃料 再処理か乾式貯蔵か:最終処分への道を世界の経験から探る」(合同出版,2014年).
平成20年度外務省委託研究「核軍縮を巡る新たな動向」研究報告書 平成20年(2008年)3月.特に,第7章 透明性,不可逆性,検証可能性.
Sharon Squassoni, "Transparency: Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Material", April 2017

国際原子力機関(International Atomic Energy Agency)のこと.


The full text of Mousavian's speech is as follows:

In July 2015, after 20 months of negotiations, Iran and six global powers, the EU3 +3 (France, Germany and the UK plus China, Russia and the United States) agreed on a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to resolve the Iranian nuclear crisis. The deal provided verifiable assurances that, even if Iran broke out of the agreement, it would take at least a year for it to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon. It is verified by the highest standards on nuclear transparency and inspections ever negotiated. In exchange, the US
و, other world powers and United Nations committed to lift their nuclear-related sanctions on Iran. The agreement was welcomed by the international community and endorsed by a UN Security Council resolution.

The JCPOA was a win for the EU3+3 because it included robust monitoring, verification, and inspection of Iran’s nuclear program while increasing Iran’s breakout time to about a year. At the same time, it was a win for Iran because all unilateral and multilateral nuclear sanctions were lifted, Iran’s right to enrichment and heavy water production were respected, the international community would cooperate with Iran on peaceful nuclear technologies, and Iran’s foreign relations would be dramatically improved.

The following are the seven primary principles that led to the JCPOA that could be emulated in US-North Korea negotiations:

1. A belief in diplomacy over war and sanctions. The perception that increasing pressure will result in the capitulation of the opposing side did not hold true for Iran nor will it for North Korea.

2. Negotiations should be serious and have the aim of reaching a result based on mutual compromise. At the onset of the Iran nuclear negotiations, in 2013, both sides made clear their desired end state for the negotiations: for Iran, the removal of nuclear sanctions and respect for its right to uranium enrichment and the nuclear fuel cycle; for the US and the other world powers that Iran does not build nuclear weapons.

Diplomats and leaders on each side also demonstrably displayed their commitment to make the negotiations a success. This was exemplified in the final round of negotiations, which saw U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry negotiating in Vienna with his counterpart Javad Zarif for 18 days straight—the longest consecutive stretch American diplomats had spent negotiating on foreign soil since the 1919 Versailles conference after World War I.

3. Dropping maximalist demands and seeking face-saving solutions. Any deal will have to be politically defensible for each side back home. Both sides must be able to sell it domestically as a win.

4. A comprehensive diplomatic solution that is implemented in step-by-step, reciprocal fashion by all sides. One reason the JCPOA is faltering today is because the Trump White House has not abided by this principle. Iran implemented most of its concessions in the first stage of the JCPOA’s implementation: reducing its stockpile of low-enriched uranium, cutting the number of its centrifuges, and implementing the Additional Protocol to its IAEA safeguards agreement. Iran then had to wait for the other side to abide by its commitment for economic cooperation, which has been dwindling by the day under the Trump administration. In order to reach a long term agreement such as the JCPOA with North Korea that is not threatened in its first years, the reciprocal actions under a deal must be carefully coordinated and implemented in a phased, step-by-step fashion.

5. For North Korea, any deal must be designed based on complete distrust in the United States, especially since the JCPOA experience has shown that, due to changes in political leadership or policy, the United States cannot be trusted to follow through on its obligations in a nuclear agreement.

6. Negotiations must be multilateral. The negotiations leading to the JCPOA involved all five permanent members of the UN Security Council as well as Germany. While bilateral North Korea-US negotiations are vital, South Korea, Japan and the other concerned powers must also be present. Any agreement between just the United States and North Korea would be less sustainable.

7. The UN Security Council must endorse any final agreement. A deal backed by the UN Security Council will bolster the confidence of all parties, especially North Korea, that the other side will implement its commitments.

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